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In the region of the Jequitinhonha Valley, in Minas Gerais, where our operations are located, we work in tune with the relevant environmental bodies and use the techniques and equipment required to treat waste, effluents and emissions resulting from production areas. At the same time, we invest in raising environmental awareness among our professionals and the surrounding communities.

Our activities are carried out in accordance with the strictest environmental conservation standards. We consistently make appropriate use of the waste generated in our mining and chemical processing units, and this is one of our commitments to local socio-environmental and sustainable development.

Some of our actions based on Pillar E:

  • Our process boasts a high rate of water recirculation;

  • We maximize harvesting and use of rainwater; 

  • Our operations do not use dams;

  • Our products, co-products and solid waste are treated, stored and disposed of according to strict environmental standards;

  • We monitor the subsoil and the emission of particulates;

  • We consistently monitor the analysis of effluents and watercourses around our units to prevent changes;

  • We have no environmental liabilities and are fully compliant with our Operating Licenses (LOs).


We believe in the fundamental role lithium plays in a more sustainable world

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Head Office

Rua Trípoli, 92, salas 131 a 134,
13th floor| Vila Leopoldina

CEP 05303-020 | São Paulo – SP

+55 11 3837-0075 

+55 11 3649-0775

Mining Unit
Chemical Plant Unit

Rodovia BR 367,

km 276

CEP 39600-000 | Araçuaí – MG

+ 55 33  3731-3351

Rodovia BR 116,

km 3,5

CEP 39995-000 | Divisa Alegre – MG

+ 55 33  3755-8800

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